Guidelines for the College Supervisor

The college supervisor confers with the student teacher and cooperating teacher (via email) about the student teacher’s experiences and progress. The college supervisor holds conferences following the observation with the student teacher and provides written documentation about the observation, the discussion of planning, teaching strategies, discipline concerns, and assessments. The supervisor should:

  1. Assist the student teacher in the transition from college student to classroom teacher

  2. Become acquainted with the cooperating teacher at each school

  3. Review each lesson plan sent by the student teacher

  4. Discuss student teacher’s strengths and areas of growth with the cooperating teacher

  5. Provide feedback to the student teacher in developing effective teaching and management strategies

  6. Respond weekly to student teacher posts

When do College Supervisors make visits? How many?

Student teachers will be observed a minimum of four times during student teaching. These visits typically occur once a month, but the specific dates and times are decided between you, the student teacher, and the cooperating teacher.

Observations & Evaluations

In addition to the clinical classroom observations, college supervisors will complete two formal evaluations via Survey Monkey. These evaluations are based on the Charlotte Danielson Framework and can be found on pages 32-38 of the Student Teacher Handbook.


Is there compensation?

Yes! College supervisors are compensated $100 per visit, as well as reimbursement for mileage.


Click here for more information on Observations and Evaluations for College Supervisors.